„Highway to nowhere“ haunts Montenegro

Chinese highway to link Adriatic coast with landlocked Serbia is meant to become Montenegro’s construction of the century

Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesqueMoraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe. The government has described the 165 km highway, with its imposing bridges and deep-cut tunnels, as the construction of the century and apathway to the modern world.

It is designed to link the port of Bar on Montenegro’s Adriatic coast to landlocked neighbour Serbia. But once the first, challenging 41 km stretch through mountains north of the capital is completed, the government faces a difficult choice. A Chinese loan for the first phase has sent Montenegro’s debtsoaring and forced the government to raise taxes, partially freeze public sector wages and end a benefit for mothers to get its finances in order.

Despite those measures, Montenegro’s debt is expected to approach 80 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) this year and the International Monetary Fund says the country cannot afford to take on any more debt to finish its ambitious project. „There is a big question about how they complete it,“ said an EU official requesting anonymity. „Their fiscal space has shrunk enormously. They have strangled themselves. And for the time being this is a highway to nowhere.“ The road is at the heart of an intense debate about Chinese influence in Europe, both within EU member states and countries aspiring to join the bloc such as Montenegro and its Western Balkan neighbours Serbia, Macedonia and Albania.

As Beijing extends its economic reach, poor countries across Asia and Africa have seized on attractive Chinese loans and the promise of transformative infrastructure projects. This has allowed them to develop in ways that may not have been possible without access to China’s vast foreign exchange reserves. But some countries, such as Sri Lanka, Djibouti and Mongolia, have found themselves weighed down by debt and ever more reliant on Beijing’s largesse.

Montenegro is the first country in Europe to find itself in this position as its government presses on with its dream of a gleaming new highway to lead the nation to a brighter future. „This highway is a big deal in Montenegro. It reminds people of Tito and the days of grand socialist projects in the region,“ said academic Mladen Grgic, referring to former Yugoslavia’s communist long-time leader Josip Broz Tito. „But it’s atrap. Now that it’s been started, the politicians can’t stop it – no matter how harmful it might be. And frankly they don’t want to,“ said Grgic, author of a 2017 study on the highway.

Text pochází z agentury Reuters


Board advertising homemade eggs and honey in Chinese, Montenegrin and English on the Bar-Boljare highway construction site in Montenegro FOTO REUTERS

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haunt tížit, pronásledovat

landlocked vnitrozemský

perch posadit, usadit

pillar pilíř, sloup

tower tyčit se, čnít

picturesque malebný

score spousta, nespočet

state-of-the-art supermoderní

rough drsný, nerovný

pathway cesta

stretch úsek

loan půjčka, úvěr

debt dluh

soar vyletět nahoru

tax daň

wage mzda


shrink zmenšit, smrsknout se

strangle uškrtit, přidusit

seize on skočit po, využít

vast obrovský

weigh down zatížit

reliant odkázaný, závislý

largesse štědrost, velkorysost

gleaming zářící, oslnivý

trap past

harmful škodlivý, zhoubný

Řešení: left / seen / heard / been

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