Cohen satirizes life in Trump era

U. S. lawmakers shown backing fake kindergarten gun scheme in Sacha Baron Cohen’s new TV show called „Who is America? ”

In Sacha Baron Cohen’s provocative new comedy show, American politicians are filmed backing afictitious program to teach kindergartners how to use guns to defend themselves in school shootings.

In a seven-episode series launched on cable channel Showtime on July 15, the British prankster takes on four different personas as he satirizes the political and cultural life of the United States in the era of President Donald Trump.

In the first episode of „Who is America?“, previewed for media by Showtime, Baron Cohen poses as an Israeli anti-terror expert who gets two U. S. congressmen to voicesupport for his fake „Kinderguardians“ scheme for children as young as three. The scheme includes a fake instructional video featuring children’s songs and „gunimals“ – weapons adorned with soft toys – that would purportedly help kids confront the school shootings that have plagued the United States for the past decade.

Republican congressmen Dana Rohrabacher of California and Joe Wilson of South Carolina, along with former Senate Republican leader Trent Lott, who is now a lobbyist at a Washington law firm, are shown enthusiastically backing the idea, alongside gun rights advocates and a former congressman-turned-talk radio host, Joe Walsh.

Showtime and Sacha Baron Cohen both declined to comment on the series. Those shown endorsing the fake scheme, including the politicians, had not seen the finished show ahead of its premiere. Rohrabacher, Wilson and Lott did not immediately reply to requests for comment late on Saturday. Walsh told CNN that he was tricked intoreading the words off a teleprompter.

The show marks Baron Cohen’s first television project in a decade after he launched his comedy career as subversive white English rapper Ali G., whose interviewees included Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich. His 2006 faux documentary film „Borat“ ridiculedKazakhstan and Middle Americans. In „Who is America?“, Baron Cohen also takes aimatthe media and political correctness, with the comedian posing as a pony-tailed liberal radio reporter on a post-2016 election cycling tour, and a man in a disability scooterwho purports to investigate fake news.

Walsh, the former congressman from Illinois, told CNN that he had been asked by a documentary crew to read lines from a teleprompter endorsing various supposed Israeli innovations, including the idea of arming four-year-olds to defend themselves against terrorists.

„I’ll probably laugh at myself“ when the episode airs, Walsh told CNN, adding that he is a fan of Baron Cohen. „He’s a funny guy because he gets people to say stupid things.“


Text pochází z agentury Reuters  Zdroj LN

Gun activist Phillip Van Cleave agrees to appear in an infomercial for Sacha Baron Cohen’s new satire TV show ‘Who Is America?’ FOTO PROFIMEDIA

Naučte se gramatiku podle textu

V dnešním textu jsme se setkali s vazbou get someone to do something, a to ve větě „… he gets people to say stupid things“
(„… přiměje lidi, aby říkali hlouposti“). Vazby předmětu s infinitivem jsou v angličtině častým jevem. V závislosti na kontextu přeložíme tuto vazbu jako přimět/ přesvědčit někoho k něčemu nebo nechat si od někoho něco udělat. Pokud chceme vyjádřit přinucení k dané aktivitě, použijeme sloveso force: He forced me to do it. (Donutil měto udělat.) Podobně můžeme použít sloveso make, v tom případě však pouze s infinitivem bez to: He made me do it.


Nechala si od bratra opravit auto. Přinutili ji, aby řekla pravdu. Přesvědčil ho, aby mi pomohl.


back podpořit

kindergarten mateřská škola

scheme program, projekt

fictitious fiktivní

launch zahájit vysílání

prankster recesista, šprýmař

preview uvést předpremiéru

voice vyslovit, vyjádřit

feature obsahovat

adorn ozdobit, zkrášlit

purportedly údajně, prý

plague sužovat, trápit

advocate zastánce, obhájce

host zde moderátor

decline odmítnout

endorse schvalovat, souhlasit

request žádost

trick into vlákat do, napálit

teleprompter čtecí zařízení

interviewee dotazovaný

faux falešný

ridicule zesměšnit

take aim at vzít si na mušku

ponytail culík, ohon

disability scooter elektrický invalidní vozík

air živě vysílat

Řešení: She got her brother to repair the car. They forced her to tell the truth. / They made her tell the truth. He got him to help me.