I got to Špindlerův Mlýn in the afternoon and hiked about five miles to a lodge in the Krkonoše called Moravská bouda. It was quiet up there, no trams, no cars, few people. It was a perfect escape from the loud and hectic daily life in Czech towns and cities.
In the pub that night I chatted with a guy named Martin. He told me he was hiking to Sněžka the next day, which is the highest peak in Czechia. Sněžka is not too tall (only 5,256 feet), if you compare it to some of the mountains in the U .S., but Martin said it was not an easy hike. He invited me to go with him and I accepted his offer. I needed a little adventure to spice up my life.
We set off in the morning. The sky was blue and the air was cool. Sněžka is about 8 miles away from my lodge and along the way I practiced hiking in the Czech style. This means that we often stopped for snacks and beer.
At first I didn’t like the „Czech style“ of hiking. When I was younger, I would go hiking in America and we would finish the difficult hike first and then enjoy a rest and a snack afterwards. The hike was difficult, so I wanted to get it over with, but Martin wanted to stop often. And I didn’t want to be rude, so I stopped with him.
We stopped for a beer and klobása (grilled sausage) at Bouda u Bílého Labe, which is a lodge at the bottom of avalley on the Labe (Elbe) River. About ninety minutes later we stopped again at Luční Bouda where we had a beer and soup in a big dining hall. From Luční Bouda we could see Sněžka in the distance and Martin called it „můj starý nepřítel“, which means „my old enemy“.
Walking up Sněžka I understood why he called it that. When we got to the top 30 minutes later, I was drenched in sweat, exhausted, and had to catch my breath. I noticed a small, interesting building in the middle. It was a post of fice!
I felt very bad for local people who walk up „můj starý nepřítel“ just to mail a letter.
Čeští mluvčí mívají často problém s překládáním slova kromě neboli anglického except.Pokud kromě v dané větě znamená také navíc nebo vedle, překládáme ho jako besides: Besides zebras, we saw also tigers and flamingos. – Kromě (vedle) zeber jsme viděli i tygry a plameňáky. Když je kromě použito ve smyslu s výjimkou nebo až na, pak ho přeložíme jako except: Except zebras, we didn’t see anything. – Až na zebry jsme nic neviděli.
Kromě Petra nikdo nepřišel. / Kromě čaje máme i horkou čokoládu. / Nebyl tam nikdo kromě mě.
Řešení: Except Peter nobody came. / Besides tea, we have also hot chocolate. / There was nobody except me.