Healing touch


Annee de Mamiel knows the value of natural healing. A top athlete in her home country, she developed cancer when she was in her early 20s. During chemotherapy, de Mamiel looked for organic skincare products. When she couldn´t find any that met here needs, she made her own.

Today, de Mamiel brand oils and teas are in demand worldwide. The 42-year-old, now living in London, also offers aromatherapy and acupuncture treatments. She has a long waiting list. Richard Branson offers her award-winning products to guests at his exclusive Necker Island hotel. De Mamiel told the Daily Telegraph that she grew up in a village „70 miles from anywhere“. She says her family didn´t even have a television until she was 11. She did, however, have a Barbie doll. As a seven-years-old, she spent hours with her Barbie perfume maker.  After completing universtity, de Mamiel workded in pharmaceuticals industry. Then she got interested in finance and became a futures trader. Her experience with cancer inspired her to study traditional Chenese medicine in China. She says she developes the products with busy women in mind. Ideally, using the products should help women „accept that it is OK to take time for themselves,“ de Mamiel says.

BS 11/12  2013