Original space recordings lost and found

Sotheby’s to auction rare videotape of Neil Armstrong’s first steps on moon as the only surviving original recording

one-time NASA intern who bought a truckload of videotapes to resell them may end up a millionaire this month when Sotheby’s auctions what it says is the only surviving original recording of man’s first steps on the moon 50 years ago.

In the years after the July 20, 1969 moon landing during the Apollo 11 mission, NASA was recording over its tapes or selling them to cut costs, said Gary George, who was a college student when he bought more than 1,100 reels of NASA videotape for about $218 at a government surplus auction in 1976.

“I had no idea there was anything of value on them,” said George, a 65-year-old retired mechanical engineer from Las Vegas, told Reuters in a telephone interview. “I was selling them to TV stations just to record over.” But three of the tapes turned out to beinvaluable. One of them captures the images of the first steps on the moon by astronaut Neil Armstrong, along with his famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

The recordings also show astronaut Buzz Aldrin bounding around in minimal lunar gravity, as well as their call with then U.S. President Richard Nixon, the men planting the American flag on the lunar surface, collecting soil and rock samples and much more. After buying the tapes, George sold about eight reels to television stations for $50 each. It was not until he was packing his station wagon with tapes to donate to a church for a tax write-off that his father spotted the three tapes labeled “Apollo 11 EVA,” an acronymfor extra vehicular activity, NASA jargon for the moon landing.

“He was really into the space program and he said, ‘I think I’d hang onto those. They might be valuable someday,’” George recalled. “So, for that very reason, I pulled them out and hauled them around the country for the next 43 years. That’s how come they survived.”

NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings. The U.S. space agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the upcomingauction.

In 2008, George was vacationing with a NASA friend who told him he was tasked with locating the lost videotapes. “He said, ‘It seems we’ve lost our original tapes of the Apollo 11 EVA,’” George told Reuters. “Quite frankly, I was sitting at the table drinking a beer and I said, ‘Well damn, I have those,’” he recalled.

At the time, George did not have the proper equipment to view the tapes, and still did not known exactly what was on them. But after opening talks with NASA to turn them over, George said he visited a video studio in California where he watched them for the first time.



V dnešním textu jsme se setkali v jedné větě se dvěma minulými časy, průběhovým a prostým: „… he was packing his station wagon with tapes … that his father spotted…“ („… nakládal své kombi páskami… když si jeho otec všiml…“). Minulý čas průběhový (něco se dělo) vyjadřuje průběh aktivity v určitém okamžiku, který může být vyjádřen časem: At 11pm I was sleeping. (V 11 hodin v noci jsem spal.) Určitý okamžik však může být vyjádřen také jiným jednorázovým dějem za pomoci prosté formy (něco se stalo), jako je tomu v naší větě z dnešního článku.

Doplňte správnou formu minulého času:

She … (have) a shower when her husband … (come) home. While I … (wait) for a bus, my friend … (call) me. We … (play) football when it … (start) raining.

Řešení: was having – came, was waiting – called, were playing – started


rare vzácný, výjimečný

intern stážista

truckload hromada, fůra

end up nakonec se stát

reel cívka, filmový pás

surplus přebytek, nadbytek

value hodnota, cena

turn out ukázat se, být

invaluable nedocenitelný

leap skok

mankind lidstvo

bound skákat velkými skoky

gravity gravitace, přitažlivost

soil půda, zemina

station wagon kombi (auto)

donate darovat

tax daň

write-off odpis, odepsání

spot zpozorovat, všimnout si

acronym zkratkové slovo

hang onto ponechat, držet si

haul vláčet

admit připustit, přiznat

upcoming nadcházející

damn zatraceně, proklatě

recall vzpomenout, vybavit si

turn over předat, odevzdat

Source LN