Cuban movie industry moving forward

Cuba legalizes independent movie-making, however, censorship and distribution are still unsettled issues to be resolved

uba’s Communist government has issued a decree legalizing the country’s independent movie industry in a move that should facilitate production, although critics said it fails to resolve issues of censorship and distribution.

Until now, Cuba’s independent filmmakers have had to scramble to get their projects made due to the lack of legal recognition. And while their works have sometimes won renown in film festivals abroad, they have lacked distribution at home.

The government said that as of Aug. 23, a new law will “approve the figure of the audiovisual and cinematographic creator as an independent artist” and create a national film fund. While Cuba’s movie industry welcomed the long-awaited news, many cautioned it remains to be seen how it will be implemented.

“We’ve been waiting for this for many years,” Gustavo Arcos Fernández-Britto, a film critic and film studies professor in Havana, told Reuters. “This will not, however, resolve the issue of distribution, which remains controlled by the state.”

In a country that has been dominated by the state since the revolution of 1959, it was long up to the Cuban Film Institute (ICAIC) to produce and finance movies.

But filmmakers began to make movies independently from the 1980s thanks to new technology like video cameras. A majority of Cuba’s filmmakers work outside of state institutions, saying it gives them more creative freedom and that they have been tolerated to some extent by the authorities.

Their legal limbo, however, has created trouble in obtaining permits to film in public spaces or to import equipment. It has also been difficult to gain funding since many foreign film funds award money only to projects by a legally recognised production company with a corporate bank account.

Filmmakers and creative collectives will now be able to apply to become economic entities that could officially hire people and open bank accounts, the ICAIC president, Ramon Samada, was quoted as saying by state-run website Cubadebate.

The new legislation will also create three new private-sector licenses for those working on independent movie projects: operator of movie equipment, from lighting to drones; casting director; and production assistant. Critics said it was problematic that the Ideological Department of the Communist Party would continue to vet the films shown in Cuba.

Movies that are perceived to be overly critical of the government, like “Santa & Andres,” about the state persecution of a dissident gay novelist in the 1980s, are typically not screened on the island at all. The 2016 “Santa & Andres” won several prizes abroad.



Dnes se zaměříme na sloveso should použité ve větě „… a move that should facilitate production…“ („…opatření, které by mělo usnadnit produkci…“). Stejně jako za jinými modálními slovesy následuje sloveso v infinitivu bez to. Otázku tvoříme převrácením slovosledu (Should I do it?) a zápor přidáním not (You shouldn’t do it.). Pokud však za should následuje have a příčestí minulé, vyjadřujeme lítost nad něčím, co jsme v minulosti měli udělat, ale neudělali: I should have taken his advice; I wouldn’t be in trouble now. (Měl jsem přijmout jeho radu; neměl bych teď potíže.)


Měl jsi být opatrný. Měli by se soustředit na práci. Měl bych mu pomoci. Měli jsme to opravit hned.


independent nezávislý

issue vydat, uveřejnit

decree nařízení, vyhláška

facilitate usnadnit

censorship cenzura

scramble tahat, přetahovat se

lack nedostatek

recognition uznání

renown proslulost, věhlas

approve schválit, uznat

caution varovat

to some extent do určité míry

authority úřední orgán, činitel

limbo naprostá nejistota

obtain získat

permit povolení

space prostor

gain získat, nabýt

award přiznat, udělit

account účet

entity subjekt

hire najmout, zjednat si

quote citovat

vet prověřit, schválit

perceive vnímat, pohlížet

gay homosexuál

screen promítat, vysílat


You should have been careful. They should concentrate on work. I should help him. We should have repaired it immediately.

Source: LN