First day in Prague: transport disaster

My first few hours in Prague were a disaster. First of all, I arrived in the Czech Republic and went through customs. The agents checked my bags for an hour. What a waste of time! Fortunately, in the end they said that everything was OK. But because of this I missed two buses, so I hailed a cab and went to my hotel in Prague 4.

The cab driver was named Jan Novotný and he drove like he was a Formula One racer. I was so nervous that only after twenty minutes I remembered to ask him how much the ride would be. When Mr. Novotný spoke Czech, it was the fastest language I had ever heard. When it was clear that I didn’t understand, he only said – „meter broken.“

My cab ride was ninety minutes long. We visited several parts of Prague that all looked suspiciously similar to each other. I asked Mr. Novotný where we were a few times, and each time he said „Praha“ and then held up some fingers to denote a number.Praha 6. Praha 7. Praha 9. Praha 5. At least the different neighborhoods were charming and pretty.

When Mr. Novotný finally dropped me off at my hotel in Prague 4 he said the cab fare was 2500 Koruna. I have to say that I expected this to happen. The reputation of Prague taxi drivers is not the best in the world. I knew he was ripping me off, but I was so tired and hungry that I didn’t argue. I paid and went into the hotel. I asked the receptionist at the hotel where I should go for dinner and he recommended a nice restaurant near Vyšehrad. So I dropped off my bags and went for a walk.

I was so stressed after my trip and so annoyed when Mr. Novotný ripped me off that I wondered if choosing to write a travel blog in Czechia was a huge mistake. I thought that maybe the local culture would be too much of a shock for me. However, when I got to Vyšehrad and saw the view of the Vltava River, the city, and Prague Castle in the distance, I realized it was all worth it.

Zdroj LN


Chcete ohledně nějaké věci vyjádřit svůj vlastní názor? Jistě vás napadne použít anglické spojení according to(podle). Je však třeba dát si pozor na to, že v angličtině není možné říct according to me(podle mě)According to se říká pouze, pokud mluvíme o informaci získané z nějakého jiného zdroje. Pro vyjádření vlastního názoru, se používá spojení in my opinionneboin my view.Věta pak tedy bude znít: In my opinion she is not right.


Podle mě to takto nepůjde. Podle Jany je tahle záležitost vyřešená. Podle něj je to pravda.

Řešení: In my opinion that is not possible. According to Jana this matter was solved. According to him it’s true.


American History X

Český název zní Kult hákového kříže, což sice není doslovný překlad originálu, nicméně obsahu filmu do jisté míry odpovídá. Původní titul American History X odkazuje na středoškolský předmět American History, tedy Dějiny Ameriky. Písmeno X v názvu označuje po vzoru algebraických rovnic neznámou veličinu. Tou je v kontextu daného příběhu jeden z potlačovaných aspektů historie Spojených států – etnické napětí, rasové konflikty mezi bílou majoritou a menšinami a tendence k jejich segregaci.



I asked him: Where is your hotel? / What is your number? / Is Marta coming too? / Should we come with you? / Can I see your new car? / How much is the trip to Spain? / Which is your suitcase? / Will you be there with her?

Řešení: I asked him… / where his hotel was. / what his number was. / whether Marta was coming too. / whether we should come with him. / whether I could see his new car. / how much the trip to Spain was. / which suitcase was his. / whether he would be there with her.
My first day impression of Prague was pretty bad. I was tired and stressed out after the journey and on top of that I was ripped of by a taxi driver. But then I looked around and realized how beautiful the city was and how happy I was to be here. FOTO SHUTTERSTOCK