Considered ‘fit and proper’ to operate

Put on probation, Uber wins London licence to avoid ban on operation in the heart of its biggest European market

Uber Technologies Inc won a probationary licence to operate in London on Tuesday, July 26 in a partial victory for its new chief executive after it made changes to ease strained relations with city authorities.

The new licence was subject to strict conditions, however, and came with a warning to prove it had changed to retain its right to operate in London, the heart of its biggest European market.

Uber overhauled its policies and personnel in Britain after Transport for London (TfL) re fused to renew its licence in September for failings in its approach to reporting serious criminal offencesand background checks on drivers.

The ruling has been a test of Uber’s new senior management, with Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi, who took charge the month before TfL’s decision, pledging to “make things right” in London.

Judge Emma Arbuthnot said that changes made by its London subsidiary in light of the ruling were sufficient for Uber to be considered “fit and proper” to operate as she granted a 15-month “probationary” licence. The licence is much shorter than the five-year licence it was denied in September, and London Mayor Sadiq Khan was clear that the court ruling was no carte blanche for Uber in London. „I believe everyone must play by the same rules, no matter how big or powerful they are,” he said.

The licence conditions for Uber London Limited (ULL) include implementing a new go vernance structure, giving TfL notice of what Uber is doing in areas that may be a cause of concern, reporting safety related complaints and having an independent assurance audit report every six months.

ULL must also be notified by its parent firm of any matters that could be relevant to its obligations as an operator. With backers including Goldman Sachs and BlackRock and valued at more than $70 billion (L52.9 billion), Uber has faced protests, bans and restrictions around the world as it challenges traditional taxi operators.

Uber, which has about 45,000 drivers in London, introduced sevenew initiatives in response to the ruling, including 24/7 telephone support and the proactive reporting of serious incidents to police.

Uber’s work with London authorities is part of a broader shift by the company to engagewith regulators rather than bulldoze them. It has also started discussions with regulators in New York City about a cap on the number of cars the service is allowed, which previous chief executive Travis Kalanick had resisted.

Mayor Khan said that as a result of the initial London ruling, “Uber has been forced to overhaul the way it operates not just in London but across the world.”


Text pochází z agentury Reuters

Zdroj LN


probation zkušební doba

avoid vyhnout se

strained relations napjaté vztahy

warning varování

prove prokázat

retain udržet si, neztratit

overhaul přehodnotit

approach přístup

offence porušení zákona

ruling rozhodnutí, usnesení

pledge přislíbit, zavázat se

subsidiary dceřiná společnost

sufficient dostačující

deny zamítnout

carte blanche přeneseně volná ruka

governance správa, řízení

cause of concern důvod k obavám

related spojený, související

notify oznámit, informovat

obligation závazek, povinnost

broad široký

engage zapojit, angažovat se

bulldoze tlačit koho do čeho

cap omezení, horní hranice

resist bránit se, odolávat

initial počáteční, původní


V dnešním textu se objevil ustálený výraz složený ze dvou slov, a sice ve větě “… Uber to be considered ‘fit and proper’ to operate…” („… aby byl Uber považován za ‚vyhovující‘pro provozování …“). V  angličtině se takovým výrazům říká binomials a jsou hojně používané. Jejich použitím umocníme příslušný význam nebo získá celý výraz význam přenesený. Jednotlivá slova dvojitých pojmů jsou nejčastěji spojena spojkou and.

Přiřaďte správný význam:

1. peace and quiet 2. safe and sound 3. pros and cons 4. hire and fire 5. sick and tired 6. short and sweet 7. trial and error

a) advantages and disadvantages b )very calm situation c) not in danger, not injured d) quick and to the point e) extremely frustrated f )varied attempts continued until s uccess g) quickly employ and dismiss

Ridesharing application and a traditional black cab in the background in the centre of London FOTO REUTERS

Řešení: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4g, 5e, 6d, 7f