Tropical rainforest destruction rising

Brazil deforestation exceeding 88% in June, compared with the same month last year, may become a nightmare for Bolsonaro

Deforestation in Brazil’s portion of the Amazon rainforest soared more than 88% in June compared with the same month a year ago, the second consecutive month of rising forest destruction under new President Jair Bolsonaro, who has called for development of the region. According to data from Brazil’s space research agency, deforestation in the world’s largest tropical rainforest totaled 920 square km. The data showing an 88.4% deforestation increase is preliminary but indicates the official annual figure, based on more detailed imaging and measured for the 12 months to the end of July, is wellon track to surpass last year’s figure.

In the first 11 months, deforestation has reached 4,565 square km, a 15 percent increase over the same period in the previous year. That is an area larger than the U.S. state of Rhode Island. Environmentalists have warned that Bolsonaro’s strong remarks calling for the development of the Amazon and criticizing the country’s environmental enforcement agency Ibama for handing out too many fines would embolden loggers and ranchers seeking to profit from deforestation. “Bolsonaro has aggravated the situation,” said Paulo Barreto, a researcher at Brazilian nongovernment organization Imazon.

The new data coincides with more pressure on the government to protect the environment under the terms of the free trade deal between the European Union and South American bloc Mercosur agreed to two weeks ago. Brazil will take action if concerns about an increase in deforestation are confirmed, the agriculture minister said.

“We are adopting all measures to combat illegal deforestation,” Environment Minister Ricardo Salles said. “This week we had 17 enforcement teams simultaneously in all of the Amazon from Ibama.”

Brazil is home to 60% of the Amazon, which is the world’s largest tropical rainforest and is seen as vital to the global fight against climate change.

While the final text of the EU-Mercosur deal has not been released, an outline from the EU states the agreement includes a provision that the Paris Agreement on climate change must be effectively implemented along with other commitments to fight deforestation.

Greenpeace forest strategist Paulo Adario said “all indications” are that deforestation will worsen under Bolsonaro, but he hopes news of a large increase will put pressure on the government to take action.

When they have the final numbers, if it is really a lot, this will be a nightmare for Bolsonaro,” Adario said. “This is something that is really important from an international and Brazilian point of view because the Amazon is an icon.”




V dnešním textu se objevil příklad časové věty týkající se budoucnosti: „When they have the final numbers, …, this will be a nightmare…” („Až budou mít konečná čísla…, bude to noční můra…“). Zatímco v hlavní větě použijeme budoucí čas (…this will be a nightmare…), ve vedlejší musíme namísto něj použít čas přítomný, jako je tomu v dnešní větě. Avšak ne vždy se jedná o vedlejší větu časovou, může jít o větu předmětnou začínající spojkou when, kde použijeme budoucí čas, např. I don’t know when he will come back. (Nevím, kdy přijde zpět.).

Doplňte přítomný nebo budoucí čas: I know exactly when they … the final decision. (make) Do your homework when you … home. (get) Call me when you … all the information. (have) I have no idea when I … all the information. (have)


exceed překonat, překročit

nightmare noční můra

consecutive za sebou jdoucích

research výzkum, bádání

preliminary předběžný

imaging snímkování

be on track směřovat

surpass předčit, překonat

remark poznámka, připomínka

enforcement prosazování

hand out rozdat, vydat

fine pokuta

embolden povzbudit

logger dřevorubec

rancher farmář

aggravate zhoršit, ztížit

coincide shodovat se, nastat ve stejnou dobu

terms podmínky, požadavky

concern obavy, znepokojení

measures opatření, kroky

combat bojovat, potírat

simultaneous souběžný

release zveřejnit, vydat

provision ustanovení, ujednání

commitment závazek

point of view hledisko, pohled

Řešení: will make, get, have, will have

Náhledový obrázek:

A man sits on a tree next to his chainsaw in Jamanxim National Park near the city of Novo Progresso, Para State, Brazil. REUTERS

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